January 27, 2006

Creativity or stupidity?

I'd go for stupidity.
Tell you why.

Please, look at the photo.

You did have a good look at the photo, right?

Pleasant feelings?

No, I didn't think so.
Now, tell me, what was the first thought that came to your mind when you saw the photo? Go on, say it out loud. NO. Wait. May I?
Actually YOUR matress and the fact that your desire to get a new (unpopulated) one rose tremendously, right?

I thought so.

But let us hold that thought for a while (bare with me please, I know it's not a nice thought).

What if I offered these cute little blue bugs to you very very cheap? Would you change your mind? Oh, come on...IT'S CHEAP - you like CHEAP! And when something is cheap people simply have to have it...

What if I said you get them FREE? Free is better than cheap, isn't it? You like the sound of FREE, don't you?
(now you even forgot the fact these little bugs nibble on your ears during the night, right?)

You go for free?Great.

Free it is then.

If you've got a VW in your garage or in the driveway you got them already. Lucky you.
If you're deciding on buying a VW, hurry, because you don't want to miss out on this amazing one time only offer.The happy, cute, blue and knowledgable bug(s) come(s) with a VW (don't forget) - FREE.

How do I know? Because I read the ad. VW ad.
(It says in the body copy - Really tiny prices.Up to 600.000 SIT discount for a Volkswagen.)

Now, I'm really embarrased. I made a terrible mistake.This creature is not a bug.

Please, forgive me - (s)he is the VW's sales specialist, who just happens to be a bug from your matress.

Now I understand.

Great ad, VW!

A bug, a car, a matress - all clear. Really.

I get it. Completely.


... sta našla svoj dan. In svoje življenje.

Vesela. Tako vesela.


Najmanjsi cartek z okicami, ki v sebi skrivajo mehko nebo in dišečo podeželjsko travico, je iz večjega carteka izvabil tisto nežnost, ki velikega carteka dela tako zlatega.
Seveda je to milo zlato bitjece Luna in Nebo in Zemlja od dveh lubekov iz Dulenske.
Hvala vama lubeka za nedeljsko druženje.

Takšne nežnosti ne izbriše ne oddaljenost in ne pomanjkanje časa.


Najbolj smešno je to, da oliv sploh nisem marala.Takrat, tisti večer, ko sem ga prvič poiskala z očmi. Ko ga ne bi smela iskati, pa sem ga.
In to je bil začetek ene zgodbe.
Ki je postala najina zgodba.
...zgodba, ki se je začela z dotikom vina in ustnic. Belim sprehodom. Dotikom dlani. Poljubom, ki je plesal.
...in zgodba, ki se nadaljuje z dotiki...srca, besed, misli, nežnih dotikov prstov in...bližine.
In seveda so tukaj zmeraj tudi olivice.
Danes, 14 minut po polnoči sva jih okusila v kruhecu, ki naju je spomnil, da že 5 let uživava v družbi drug drugega.
... ko papava olivice.

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